Thermal Banc
We Purchase Commercial/Industrial Waste Heat
How our revolutionary technology works
Global Waste Heat
is now a Fuel Commodity
Thermal Banc is the first of a long list of expected companies who aggregate commercial and industrial waste heat as a fuel source and feedstock for producing electricity.
Thermal Banc buys commercial and industrial waste heat headed for chillers and cooling towers. We then insert thermal batteries to capture this waste heat and convert it to electricity. The ability to monetize the entire process of capturing waste heat redefines it as a feedstock. Running waste heat through a cooling tower is now the equivalent of "dumping" feedstock when it could be converted and sold as electricity.
Our Heat Capture
and Conversion Technology
Capturing excess heat and re-using it has always been a commercial and scientific goal.
Many technologies exist for the function of storing and re-using thermal heat. Those technologies created an opportunity for businesses to further their experimental concepts even though efficiencies were minimal. When Smart Phases inserted their Novacab TESS units on the market, thermal capture and conversion to electricity moved from experimental business to a new and explosive industry.
Simply stated, the Novacab TESS creates an entire industry for the capture and conversion of thermal feedstock.
"The best way to predict the future is to create it"
Abraham Lincoln
Get in Touch
Why not profit from your waste heat? Sell it to Thermal Banc.
Get in touch today to learn more.
321 S Persimmon St, Suite #101, Tomball, TX 77375
(505) 622-4500